Resultados: 3

Understanding the dramatic therapeutic play session: a contribution to pediatric nursing

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand how the dramatic therapeutic play session occurs within the care of hospitalized children. Methods: qualitative multiple case study, using theoretical references, such as symbolic interactionism and Vygotsky's theory of symbolic play. Twenty play sessions performed wi...

Reading mediation as a communication resource for hospitalized children: support for the humanization of nursing care

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 17 (1), 2009
The Live Library in Hospitals Project is a strategy adopted by several health institutions for the purpose of providing hospitalized children and adolescents the reading mediation of infant-juvenile stories through professionals and volunteers capable of this function. This study aimed to find out to wha...

Crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência doméstica: a enfermagem neste cenário

Acta paul. enferm; 14 (2), 2001
Este trabalho é um estudo bibliográfico sobre o tema violência doméstica que é todo ato ou omissäo praticada por pais, parentes ou resposáveis contra crianças e/ou adolescentes que seja capaz de causar dano físico, sexual, psicológico, implicando numa coisificaçäo da infância e na negaçäo ...